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git-merge-repo: Merge a remote repository's branch into the current repository's directory, not preserving history.
$ git merge-repo ${path-to-remote_repo} ${branch_name} .
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The command you provided is not a valid Git command. Git commands do not include any command called "git merge-repo".

However, if you are referring to a custom command or script that you or someone else has created, I can provide a general explanation based on the command syntax you provided.

Syntax: git merge-repo ${path-to-remote_repo} ${branch_name} .


  • "git merge-repo" is the name of the custom command or script.
  • "${path-to-remote_repo}" is the placeholder for the path to the remote repository you want to merge with.
  • "${branch_name}" is the placeholder for the name of the branch from the remote repository you want to merge with.
  • The "." at the end is often used to represent the current directory in various contexts.

Based on this syntax, it seems like the command or script could perform a merge operation between the current repository and a remote repository on the given branch. However, without further context or understanding of the implementation of the command or script, it is difficult to provide a more accurate explanation.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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