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git-merge: Merge using a specific strategy.
$ git merge --strategy ${strategy} --strategy-option ${strategy_option} ${branch_name}
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This is a git command used to merge changes from one branch to another. Here's a breakdown of the command:

  • git merge: This is the main command used for merging changes in git.
  • --strategy ${strategy}: This option specifies the merge strategy to use. The ${strategy} is a placeholder for the actual strategy. For example, you could use recursive, octopus, ours, etc. The default strategy is recursive.
  • --strategy-option ${strategy_option}: This option specifies any additional options or parameters for the merge strategy. The ${strategy_option} is a placeholder for the option. The value will depend on the specific merge strategy being used.
  • ${branch_name}: This is the name of the branch from which you want to merge changes. It can be any existing local or remote branch in your git repository.

Overall, this command allows you to merge the changes from the specified branch (${branch_name}) into the current branch using a specific merge strategy (${strategy}). Additionally, it allows you to provide any additional options or parameters for the merge strategy if needed (${strategy_option}).

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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