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git-mergetool: Don't prompt before each invocation of the merge tool.
$ git mergetool --no-prompt
try on your machine

The command git mergetool --no-prompt is used to launch the default merge tool configured in Git for resolving merge conflicts.

When merging branches or applying changes from one branch to another, conflicts may occur if there are conflicting changes in the same code section. The mergetool command helps in resolving these conflicts by opening a graphical merge tool that allows you to manually select and merge the conflicting changes.

The --no-prompt option is used to run the merge tool without displaying any prompt or confirmation message. By default, when running git mergetool, Git prompts the user to manually resolve each merge conflict and confirm when each conflict is resolved. However, using --no-prompt skips these prompts and immediately launches the merge tool for all conflicts.

By running git mergetool --no-prompt, you can quickly go through all merge conflicts and use the configured merge tool to resolve them without being prompted for each individual conflict. This can be useful when you are confident that the default resolution method of the merge tool will work for all conflicts and want to automate the process of resolving conflicts.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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