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git-mergetool: Explicitly use the regular merge tool (see the `merge.tool` config variable).
$ git mergetool --no-gui
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The command git mergetool --no-gui is used to invoke Git's merge tool without a graphical user interface (GUI).

When resolving merge conflicts in Git, the default behavior is to open a GUI-based merge tool, if configured, to help you visually compare and merge conflicting changes. However, utilizing the --no-gui option disables the GUI interface and instead uses a text-based interface for resolving the conflicts.

By running git mergetool --no-gui, Git will launch the configured merge tool in a terminal or console window, allowing you to manually review and edit the conflicting sections of the files directly in your preferred text editor.

This command is useful when working on systems without a GUI or when you prefer to use a text-based tool for merging conflicts, such as Vimdiff or Emacs. It gives you greater control and flexibility in resolving conflicts within your codebase.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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