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git-missing: Show commits which aren't shared between the currently checked-out branch and another branch.
$ git missing ${branch}
try on your machine

The command git missing ${branch} is not a standard Git command. It appears to be a custom or user-defined command that is using the Git command-line utility (git) to perform some kind of operation related to a particular branch.

Without further context or information about the custom implementation of this command, it is difficult to provide a detailed explanation of its functionality. However, generally speaking, this command could be designed to check for missing or absent commits on a specific branch compared to another reference branch or point of reference.

The exact behavior, output, and purpose of the command will depend on how it is implemented and what logic is included in its definition. To understand the specific functionality of the git missing ${branch} command in your specific context, you may need to refer to relevant documentation or code implementations provided by the authors or maintainers of the custom command.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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