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git-notes: Append a note to a specified object (opens the default text editor).
$ git notes append ${object}
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The command git notes append ${object} is used to append a note to a given Git object.

In Git, notes can be added to any Git object (such as commits, trees, blobs, or tags) to provide additional information or context about that object. Notes are stored separately from the actual object and can be used to attach comments, references, or other metadata.

The ${object} parameter in the command represents the object to which the note needs to be appended. It can be any valid Git object, identified by its SHA-1 hash or a symbolic reference.

When the command is executed, it appends the note to the specified object and updates the notes database accordingly. If the note already exists, the new content will be appended to the existing note.

Here's an example usage:

git notes append 51fd2352

This command would append a note to the Git object with the SHA-1 hash 51fd2352. The content of the note can be provided through standard input or a text editor, depending on the Git configuration.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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