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git-push: Send changes from a specific local branch to its remote counterpart.
$ git push ${remote_name} ${local_branch}
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The command "git push ${remote_name} ${local_branch}" is used to push the local branch (specified by ${local_branch}) to a remote repository (specified by ${remote_name}). Let's break down the command:

  • "git push" is the command that is used to upload local branch commits to a remote repository.
  • "${remote_name}" denotes the name of the remote repository where the branch will be pushed. The remote name can vary based on your git repository setup, such as "origin", "upstream", or any custom remote name you have configured.
  • "${local_branch}" represents the name of the local branch you want to push to the remote repository.

To execute the command, you would replace ${remote_name} with the actual remote name (e.g., "origin") and ${local_branch} with the desired local branch name (e.g., "feature/add-new-feature"). For instance, if you want to push the local branch "feature/add-new-feature" to the remote repository named "origin", the command would appear as follows:

git push origin feature/add-new-feature

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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