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git-range-diff: Diff the changes of ours and theirs from their common ancestor, e.g. after an interactive rebase.
$ git range-diff ${theirs}...${ours}
try on your machine

The Git command git range-diff ${theirs}...${ours} is used to display the differences between two branches, theirs and ours, in a git log-like format, showing how the changes from theirs will be applied to ours.

Here's a breakdown of the command:

  • ${theirs}: This represents the branch or commit you want to compare against. It could be the name of a branch, e.g., master, or a specific commit hash.
  • ...: This is a three-dot syntax used in Git to represent the symmetric difference between two branches. It compares the commits reachable from ${theirs} but not from ${ours}, and vice versa.
  • ${ours}: This represents the branch or commit you want to compare. Similar to ${theirs}, it can be a branch name or a commit hash.

When you run the git range-diff command with the specified arguments, Git will generate an output that provides a comprehensive overview of the changes between the two branches. It shows the commits from both branches and highlights added, deleted, or modified lines of code.

The purpose of git range-diff is to facilitate code review by providing a detailed view of the differences between branches or commits. It can help reviewers understand what changes are proposed, how they affect the existing codebase, and assist in making informed decisions regarding merging or applying those changes.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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