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git-reauthor: Change the email and name to the ones defined in the Git config.
$ git reauthor --old-email ${old@example-com} --use-config
try on your machine

The command "git reauthor" is not a standard Git command. It seems to be a custom or third-party command that is not part of the default Git toolset. Without more information about the specific tool or plugin being used, it is difficult to provide a detailed explanation.

However, based on the given command, we can make some assumptions:

  1. "--old-email ${old@example-com}": This flag is specifying the old email address to be modified. The format "${old@example-com}" suggests that it is a placeholder, and you would need to replace it with the actual old email address.

  2. "--use-config": This flag could indicate that the new email address should be taken from the Git configuration settings. It may retrieve the new email address from either the local repository configuration or the global Git configuration.

Please provide more context or details about the specific tool or plugin you are using to get a more accurate explanation of the command.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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