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git-reauthor: Change an author's email and name across the whole Git repository.
$ git reauthor --old-email ${old@example-com} --correct-email ${new@example-com} --correct-name "${name}"
try on your machine

This command is not a standard Git command. It seems to be a custom or third-party command called "git reauthor" that allows you to update the author information in Git commit history. However, without knowing the specific details and implementation of this command, it is difficult to provide an accurate explanation.

From the command syntax given:

git reauthor --old-email ${old@example-com} --correct-email ${new@example-com} --correct-name "${name}"

Based on the flags and arguments used, it appears that the command is used to change the author email and name for Git commits that were made with a specific email address.

  • --old-email ${old@example-com}: This flag specifies the email address associated with the old, incorrect author information that you want to update.
  • --correct-email ${new@example-com}: This flag specifies the new, correct email address that you want to replace the old email address with.
  • --correct-name "${name}": This flag specifies the new, correct name that you want to replace the old author's name with. The "${name}" likely represents a placeholder for actual input.

Overall, this command suggests a way to modify the author information in Git commit history retrospectively. However, always exercise caution when modifying commit history, as it can impact collaboration and version control integrity.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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