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git-rebase: Rebase the current branch on top of another specified branch.
$ git rebase ${new_base_branch}
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The command "git rebase ${new_base_branch}" is used in Git version control to incorporate changes from one branch onto another branch.

Here's how the command works:

  1. The command starts with "git rebase", which is used to apply changes from one branch onto another branch.
  2. "${new_base_branch}" represents the name of the branch that you want to use as the new base for the rebase operation. In other words, you want to move the changes from the current branch to be based on the specified branch.
  3. When you run the command, Git will identify the common ancestor commit between the current branch and the new_base_branch.
  4. Git will then take all the commits that are unique to the current branch and replay them one by one on top of the new_base_branch. This essentially reapplies your branch's commits on top of the specified branch, creating a new commit history.
  5. After the rebase is complete, the current branch will be updated to include all the changes from the new_base_branch. This can potentially rewrite the commit history of the current branch.
  6. It is important to note that if there are conflicts during the rebase process, Git will pause the rebase and prompt you to resolve those conflicts before continuing. You will need to manually resolve any conflicts that occur.

Using "git rebase" can be useful when you want to keep your branch up to date with the latest changes from the base branch or when you want to create a more linear and cleaner commit history.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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