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git-rebase: Abort a rebase in progress (e.g. if it is interrupted by a merge conflict).
$ git rebase --abort
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The git rebase --abort command is used to abort an ongoing rebase operation in Git.

When you are working on a branch and want to incorporate the changes from another branch into your branch, you can use the git rebase command. It allows you to move or combine a sequence of commits from one branch onto another.

However, sometimes conflicts arise during a rebase operation when Git is unable to automatically apply all the changes. In such cases, you may need to manually resolve the conflicts.

If you find yourself stuck in the middle of a rebase with conflicts and want to give up on it, you can use the git rebase --abort command. It cancels the rebase operation and reverts your branch to its original state before the rebase started. Any changes made during the rebase will be discarded.

By issuing git rebase --abort, Git discards all the commits that have been rebased so far and brings your branch back to its previous state.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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