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git-reflog: Show the reflog for HEAD.
$ git reflog
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The git reflog command is used in Git to view the reference log, which contains a record of all the local branch updates and other reference changes. It displays a list of previous reference log entries, showing the commit histories and other related information.

The git reflog command is helpful when you need to recover lost commits or changes, especially if you accidentally deleted a branch, reset to an earlier commit, or discarded changes using commands like git reset or git checkout.

When you run git reflog, it prints a chronological list of reference updates, including branch checkouts, commits, merges, rebases, branch creations, and more. Each entry in the reflog shows an abbreviated commit hash, the action performed, and the related reference (e.g., branch name or HEAD).

You can use the information from the reflog to understand what changes were made in the repository's history and identify the commit hash of lost or discarded changes. Once you find the desired commit, you can reset your branch or perform other actions to recover or reapply those changes.

The reflog is a handy tool for managing and recovering changes in Git, particularly when you want to undo or recover from accidental or unintended modifications.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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