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git-remote: Rename a remote.
$ git remote rename ${old_name} ${new_name}
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This command is used to rename a remote repository in a Git project. It allows you to change the name of the remote repository that your local repository is linked to.

Here's a breakdown of the command:

  • git remote rename: This is the main command to rename a remote repository.
  • ${old_name}: This is the current name of the remote repository that you want to rename.
  • ${new_name}: This is the new name that you want to assign to the remote repository.

By running this command, Git will update the reference to the remote repository in your local repository, renaming it from ${old_name} to ${new_name}. It will not affect any of the files or history within the repository itself; it only changes the name used by your local repository to interact with the remote repository.

For example, if you have a remote repository called "origin" and you want to rename it to "new-origin", you would run the command as follows:

git remote rename origin new-origin

After executing this command, your local repository will be linked to the remote repository with the new name, "new-origin".

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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