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git-rename-tag: Rename an existing Git tag locally and remotely.
$ git rename-tag ${old_tag_name} ${new_tag_name}
try on your machine

The command git rename-tag is not a default Git command. It might be a custom command defined in the user's Git configuration or an alias. But if we assume that it is a custom command or alias, the command git rename-tag ${old_tag_name} ${new_tag_name} can be inferred to perform the following operation:

It renames an existing Git tag from ${old_tag_name} to ${new_tag_name}.

Git tags are used to mark specific points in history or to label significant versions of a code repository. Renaming a tag allows you to update the identifier associated with a particular point in your repository's history.

In this command, ${old_tag_name} represents the original name of the tag that you want to rename, and ${new_tag_name} is the desired new name for the tag.

By executing this command, the original tag will be deleted, and a new tag with the updated name will be created to point to the same commit or object.

Remember, git rename-tag is not a default Git command, so you may need to check your Git configuration to determine what this command does specifically in your environment.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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