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git-replace: Edit an object’s content interactively.
$ git replace --edit ${object}
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The "git replace --edit" command is used to modify and replace an object in the Git repository.

  • "git replace" is the main command for creating and managing object replacements in Git.
  • "--edit" is an option that allows you to edit the replacement object.

To use this command, you need to provide the ${object} parameter, which represents the object you want to replace. The ${object} can be a commit, tag, or any other Git object.

When you run this command, Git will open the default text editor with a list of replacement mappings. Each mapping consists of two lines: the original object line and the replacement object line. You can modify or add replacement mappings in this file.

Once you save and exit the editor, Git will update the repository with the changes you made in the file. The specified object will be replaced with the edited version.

Using object replacement is useful when you want to modify the history of a repository without affecting the existing commits. It allows you to replace old or problematic objects with corrected versions while keeping the rest of the commit history intact.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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