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git-reset: Unstage everything.
$ git reset
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The git reset command is a powerful tool in Git that allows you to undo changes and move the head of your branch to a specific commit. It has different options and usages depending on the scenario you're dealing with.

Here are the three common forms of the command:

  1. git reset --soft <commit>: This form of git reset allows you to move the HEAD to a specific commit, keeping the changes made after that commit as uncommitted changes. It effectively "unstages" the changes. You can then modify or re-commit those changes as needed.

  2. git reset --mixed <commit> or git reset <commit>: This is the default behavior if you don't specify any additional options. It also moves the HEAD to a specific commit but discards the changes made after that commit. In this form, git reset is essentially used to unstage the changes and reset the staging area to the specified commit. The changes are still present in the working directory, allowing you to modify or re-stage them.

  3. git reset --hard <commit>: This form is the most powerful and potentially dangerous. It moves the HEAD to a specific commit and completely discards all changes made after that commit, reverting your working directory and staging area to the state of that commit. Any uncommitted changes and staged files will be permanently lost.

It's important to note that when using git reset to move the HEAD to a previous commit, you shouldn't use it on a shared branch that others might have based their work on, as it can cause confusion and conflicts when they try to merge their changes with the updated branch.

In summary, git reset is a versatile command that allows you to manage the state of your branch, undo commits, and unstage changes based on your needs. It's a powerful tool but should be used with caution, especially when using the --hard option.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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