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git-reset: Undo the last two commits, adding their changes to the index, i.e. staged for commit.
$ git reset --soft HEAD~2
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The command git reset --soft HEAD~2 is used to move the branch pointer to a previous commit while maintaining the changes in the working directory and the staging area. Here's what each part of the command does:

  • git reset is used to move the branch pointer, which allows you to reset the current branch to a specific commit.
  • --soft is an option that specifies the type of reset. In this case, it's a soft reset, which means it only moves the branch pointer and keeps the changes in the working directory and staging area. It does not modify any commit history.
  • HEAD~2 is a reference to the commit that you want to reset to. HEAD points to the most recent commit on the current branch, and the ~2 indicates that you want to go back two commits. So it moves the branch pointer to the commit two steps before the current one.

In summary, running git reset --soft HEAD~2 will move the branch pointer two commits back, while keeping the changes from those commits in the working directory and staging area. It's useful when you want to make modifications to previous commits or rewrite commit history without losing the changes.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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