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git-secret: Grant access by email.
$ git secret tell ${email}
try on your machine

The command git secret tell ${email} is used in the context of using the "git-secret" tool, which enables you to encrypt sensitive information within a Git repository.

This command is specifically used to inform a user, specified by the ${email} parameter, that they have been given access to the encrypted secrets within the repository.

Here's how it works:

  1. The git-secret tool requires you to set up a list of trusted GPG public keys for encryption and decryption of the secrets.
  2. Once the setup is done, you can encrypt sensitive files or data using the git secret add command.
  3. To grant access to a specific user, you can use the git secret tell command followed by the user's email address (provided via the ${email} parameter). This command adds the user's public key to the users/mapping.cfg file within the .gitsecret folder.
  4. The next time you run git secret hide, it will encrypt the sensitive information with both the trusted keys and the keys of the users specified in the mapping.cfg file.
  5. When the user with the specified email tries to access the repository, they can use their private key to decrypt the secrets.

In summary, the git secret tell ${email} command allows you to give a specific user access to the encrypted secrets in the repository by adding their public key to the appropriate configuration file.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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