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git-secret: Grant access to the current Git user's email.
$ git secret tell -m
try on your machine

The git secret tell -m command is used in Git to inform other users about the existence and usage of encrypted files in a repository.

Here's a breakdown of the command:

  • git secret: This is the main command for the Git Secret tool, which provides functionality for managing encrypted files in a Git repository.
  • tell: This subcommand is used to inform other users about the encrypted files.
  • -m: This flag is an abbreviation for the --messenger option. It specifies the method of notification for other users. By default, it uses the notify-send command to send a desktop notification on GNU/Linux systems. However, this can be overridden to use other methods such as email or custom scripts.

Overall, the git secret tell -m command notifies other users of the encrypted files using the specified messaging method, typically through a desktop notification. It ensures that collaborators are aware of the presence of encrypted files and can take appropriate measures to decrypt and access them if necessary.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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