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git-sed: Replace the specified text in the current repository.
$ git sed '${find_text}' '${replace_text}'
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The given command seems to be a combination of Git and sed commands. Here's a breakdown of what each component does:

  • git: It refers to the Git version control system, a widely used tool for managing and tracking changes in files.
  • sed: It stands for "stream editor" and is a powerful command-line utility for manipulating text. It primarily performs search and replace operations on a file or standard input.
  • '$': In this command, '$' is used to denote that the following text is a parameter or variable. But it should be noted that '$' might not be necessary in the given command syntax.

Based on the provided command, it can be inferred that it tries to use a combination of Git and sed to search for a specific text pattern (find_text) and replace it with another text (replace_text). However, without further context or the complete command, it is challenging to provide an accurate explanation.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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