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git-show-branch: Compare commits in the history of multiple commits or branches.
$ git show-branch ${select}
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The command "git show-branch ${select}" is used in Git to display the relationship between branches in a repository. Here's an explanation of each component:

  • "git show-branch": This is the main command used to display the branch relationship. It shows a textual representation of the branch topology, indicating where branches diverge and merge.
  • "${select}": This is a placeholder that represents the branches you want to display. You need to replace "${select}" with the actual branch names or references you are interested in. For example, if you want to display the relationship between the "master" and "feature" branches, you would replace "${select}" with "master feature".

When you run the command with the appropriate branch names, Git will display a textual representation of the branch topology that shows the commits and their relationships. Each line represents a commit, and each horizontal branch line represents a branch. Merge commits are represented by a ']' symbol, indicating that the branch on that line was merged into another branch.

The "git show-branch" command is useful to visualize and understand the structure of your branches, see where they diverge or converge, and identify the commit history of each branch. It can help you keep track of multiple branches and understand how they relate to each other.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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