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git-show-index: Read an IDX file for a Git packfile and dump its contents to `stdout`.
$ git show-index ${filename-idx}
try on your machine

The command git show-index ${filename-idx} is not a valid git command, and it is not recognized by the git system. It seems to be an example command that illustrates the usage of the git show-index command with the placeholder ${filename-idx}.

The git show-index command is used to display the contents of the index file in a human-readable format. The index file, also known as the staging area or the cache, is a binary file in Git that stores the information about the files and changes staged for the next commit.

Typically, the git show-index command is used without any additional arguments, like this:

git show-index

This will display the detailed information about the files in the index, including their object IDs, file modes, and the pathnames.

However, the ${filename-idx} part in the example command is not a valid argument or placeholder for the actual filename in the index file. If you have a specific index file (e.g., .git/index, .git/index.lock), you can directly specify its path and name after the git show-index command to display the content of that particular index file.

In summary, git show-index ${filename-idx} is not a valid git command, and the placeholder ${filename-idx} needs to be replaced with the actual path and name of the index file you want to display.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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