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git-show-merged-branches: Print all branches which are merged into the current head.
$ git show-merged-branches
try on your machine

The command "git show-merged-branches" is not a built-in Git command. Therefore, it is possible that it may be a custom or an alias command specific to your Git configuration or repository.

However, assuming it is a custom command or an alias created by you or the repository you are working on, it can be explained based on its name and a general understanding of Git:

  • "git" is the command-line tool used for version control in Git.
  • "show-merged-branches" seems to indicate that it will display information about merged branches in the repository.

Typically, the command will likely list or provide details about branches that have been merged into the current branch. This can be helpful to see the history of merged branches, review the changes introduced by merged branches, or to verify if specific branches have been merged.

Without further information about your specific Git configuration, alias definitions, or any custom scripts, it is difficult to provide a more detailed explanation of the command.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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