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git-show-tree: Show a decorated tree graph for all branches annotated with tags and branch names.
$ git show-tree
try on your machine

The command git show-tree is not a standard Git command. Git does not have a built-in command named show-tree. It is possible that the command is either a custom command specific to a particular Git configuration or a part of a Git extension or plugin that has been installed on your system.

To get more information about the specific usage and purpose of the git show-tree command, you can try running git show-tree --help or consult the documentation or source code of the relevant extension or plugin if you are using one.

Without further context or information about the command, it is difficult to provide a more detailed explanation.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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