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git-show-unmerged-branches: Print all branches which are not merged into the current HEAD.
$ git show-unmerged-branches
try on your machine

The command "git show-unmerged-branches" is not a built-in command in Git. It seems to be a custom command or an alias created by someone specific to their workflow or needs.

Without further information about the context or configuration of the command, it is difficult to provide a specific explanation. However, based on the name of the command, it is likely that it is meant to show the branches that have commits that haven't been merged into the current branch. It might be a custom script or an alias that internally uses Git commands like "git branch" and "git merge-base" to determine the unmerged branches.

To get a better understanding, you can check the Git configuration or any custom scripts/aliases that might define this command. The configuration file can be located either at the repository level (.git/config) or at the global level (~/.gitconfig). Additionally, you can ask the person who created or shared the command to provide more information on its functionality.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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