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git-sizer: Report only statistics that have a level of concern greater than 0.
$ git sizer
try on your machine

The git sizer command is not a native Git command but rather a third-party tool. It is used to analyze a Git repository's size and provide information about the different components contributing to it.

When you run git sizer, it performs an analysis of your Git repository and provides a summary of the repository's size and usage statistics. This analysis includes information about the number of objects (commits, trees, blobs), the size of the repository on disk, and other relevant details.

The output of the git sizer command typically includes information such as:

  • Overall repository size (compressed and uncompressed)
  • Size of different types of Git objects (commits, trees, blobs)
  • Largest files and their sizes
  • Number of reflogs and their sizes
  • Number of files and their sizes
  • Details about packed and loose objects

By running git sizer, you can gain insights into the repository's size, identify potential areas for optimization, and understand how different aspects of the repository contribute to its overall size. This can help in detecting large files, identifying spaces for compression, or understanding the impact of large commits.

Note that git sizer needs to be installed separately as it is not included with Git by default.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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