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git-stamp: Stamp the last commit message replacing previous issues with a new one.
$ git stamp --replace ${issue_number}
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The command git stamp --replace ${issue_number} is not a Git command by default. It seems to be a custom command or a command provided by a specific Git extension/tool.

Without knowing the context or the specific extension/tool it belongs to, it is difficult to provide an exact explanation. However, based on the command itself, we can make some assumptions:

  1. git stamp: It might be a command related to adding some kind of timestamp or annotation to Git commits or tags.
  2. --replace: It suggests that it replaces some specific value or placeholder with another value.
  3. ${issue_number}: It is likely a placeholder that should be replaced with the actual issue number.

Putting it together, it seems like the command intends to add a timestamp or an annotation associated with a specific issue to a Git commit or tag. However, without more context, it is impossible to provide a certain explanation.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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