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git-stamp: Stamp the last commit message referencing it with the issue number from your bug tracker.
$ git stamp ${issue_number}
try on your machine

The command git stamp ${issue_number} is a custom Git command or an alias that is defined by the user to conveniently add a stamp or a reference to a specific issue to a Git commit.

Here's how the command can be explained:

  1. git: This is the Git command-line tool that allows us to interact with Git version control system.

  2. stamp: This is a custom Git command or alias that has been defined by the user. It is not a default Git command.

  3. ${issue_number}: This is a placeholder or parameter that represents the issue number. The user would replace ${issue_number} with the actual number of the issue they want to reference.

When this command is executed with a specific issue number provided, it adds a stamp or reference to the given issue to the commit message of the current Git repository. This stamp makes it easier to track which issue or bug is being addressed by that particular commit.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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