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git-standup: Show a given author's commits from the last 10 days.
$ git standup -a ${select} -d ${10}
try on your machine

The command git standup -a ${select} -d ${10} is not a standard Git command. It seems to be a custom command using the utility tool "git-standup" with additional flags and variables.

In general, the "git-standup" tool is used to generate a report of a developer's work done since the last working day. It helps developers recap their work, commit messages, and changes made in a short period. It provides a summary of commits that occurred in the specified range.

The flags used in the command have the following meanings:

  • -a ${select}: This flag is likely used to specify the author of the commits to consider when generating the report. ${select} is likely a placeholder for the author's name or email address.
  • -d ${10}: This flag is likely used to specify the number of previous days to consider when generating the report. ${10} is likely a placeholder for the number of days, for example, -d 10 would consider the previous 10 days.

Keep in mind that the exact behavior and purpose of these flags might depend on how the "git-standup" tool has been customized or extended in your particular development environment. It's possible that these flags have a different meaning or are specific to your organization's configuration.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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