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git-stash: Show the changes as a patch between the stash (default is stash@{0}) and the commit back when stash entry was first created.
$ git stash show -p ${stash@{0}}
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The command "git stash show -p ${stash@{0}}" is used to show the changes made in the most recent stash. Let's break down the command:

  • "git stash show": This command is used to display the changes made in the most recent stash. By default, it only shows the names of the modified files.

  • "-p": This flag is used to display the actual changes made to the files, rather than just the file names.

  • "${stash@{0}}": This parameter specifies which stash to show. In this case, we are using "${stash@{0}}", which refers to the most recent stash in the stash list. The number within the curly braces represents the number of stashes to go back (0 means the most recent stash).

In summary, "git stash show -p ${stash@{0}}" shows the actual changes made in the most recent stash.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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