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git-svn: Commit back to the SVN repository.
$ git svn dcommit
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The command "git svn dcommit" is used to push your local Git commits to a remote Subversion repository. This command is specifically used when you are working with a Git repository that is also mirrored or synchronized with a Subversion (SVN) repository.

Here's how the command works:

  1. Firstly, make sure that you have already synchronized your local Git repository with the remote SVN repository using the "git svn clone" or "git svn init" commands. This sets up the connection between your Git and SVN repositories.

  2. After making changes and committing your work in Git using regular Git commands (like "git add" and "git commit"), you can use "git svn dcommit" to push these Git commits to the remote SVN repository.

  3. When you run "git svn dcommit", Git will first check if there are any new changes committed by others in the remote SVN repository. If there are any, Git will attempt to merge them with your local changes.

  4. Next, Git will convert your local Git commits into Subversion-compatible commits, applying them to the remote SVN repository as individual SVN commits. This means that each separate Git commit will be pushed as a separate SVN commit.

  5. Finally, once the conversion and pushing of your Git commits to the SVN repository is complete, Git updates the "svn-remote" branch (usually called "git-svn") in your local Git repository to reflect the latest SVN commit.

Overall, "git svn dcommit" bridges the gap between Git and SVN, allowing you to work with a Git repository while keeping it synchronized with an SVN repository.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
back to the git tool