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git-svn: Fetch updates from the remote SVN repository without changing the Git HEAD.
$ git svn fetch
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The command "git svn fetch" is used to retrieve new SVN commits from the remote SVN repository and integrate them into the local Git repository.

When you use "git svn" to work with a Git repository that is synchronized with an SVN repository, fetching is essential to keep the Git repository up to date. The command retrieves new commits from the SVN repository and incorporates them into the local Git repository.

Here’s a breakdown of what happens when you run "git svn fetch":

  1. "git svn" contacts the remote SVN repository and fetches the latest commits.
  2. It checks for any new commits that are not already present in the local Git repository.
  3. It imports the new SVN commits as Git commits into your local repository, creating new branches if necessary.
  4. If the command is successful, your Git repository will reflect the latest changes from the SVN repository.

After running "git svn fetch", you can use other Git commands like "git log", "git diff", or "git merge" to explore or integrate the new commits retrieved from the SVN repository.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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