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git-svn: Update local clone from the remote SVN repository.
$ git svn rebase
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The command git svn rebase is used to fetch the latest changes from a Subversion (svn) remote repository and apply those changes to the current branch in your local Git repository.

Here is a step-by-step explanation of what happens when you execute git svn rebase:

  1. The command contacts the Subversion remote repository and fetches the latest changesets from it.

  2. Git then creates a temporary Git branch called git-svn that represents the history and changesets from the Subversion repository.

  3. Git merges the changes from the git-svn branch onto your current local branch. This means that the latest changes from the Subversion repository will be applied to the current branch in your Git repository.

  4. If there are any conflicts between the latest changes from Subversion and your local changes, Git will notify you and ask you to resolve those conflicts before proceeding.

  5. Once all the changes are successfully applied, the temporary git-svn branch is discarded, and your local branch now contains the latest changes from the Subversion repository.

This command is particularly useful when working on a project that is still using Subversion as the primary version control system, allowing you to keep your local Git branch up to date with the latest changes from the Subversion repository.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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