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git-symbolic-ref: Store a reference by name, including a message with a reason for the update.
$ git symbolic-ref -m "${message}" refs/${name} refs/heads/${branch_name}
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The command git symbolic-ref -m "${message}" refs/${name} refs/heads/${branch_name} is used in Git to create or update a symbolic ref.

Here is a breakdown of each component in the command:

  • git symbolic-ref: It is the Git command to create or update a symbolic reference. Symbolic references are a type of reference in Git that points to another reference rather than directly to a commit.
  • -m "${message}": This is an optional flag that allows you to provide a message or description for the symbolic ref update. "${message}" should be replaced with the actual message you want to use.
  • refs/${name}: It specifies the name of the symbolic ref. refs is a common prefix for all references in Git, and ${name} refers to the specific name of the symbolic ref you want to create or update. You can choose the name according to your requirements.
  • refs/heads/${branch_name}: Here, refs/heads is the default prefix for branch references in Git, and ${branch_name} refers to the name of the branch you want the symbolic ref to point to. You can replace ${branch_name} with the desired branch name.

In summary, this command allows you to create or update a symbolic ref named ${name} to point to the branch ${branch_name}. The -m flag is optional and can be used to provide a message for the update.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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