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git-tag: Create a tag with the given name pointing to the current commit.
$ git tag ${tag_name}
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The command git tag ${tag_name} is used to create a new tag in Git. Tags are useful for marking specific points in Git history, such as important commits or releases.

Here's a breakdown of the command:

  • git tag: This is the base command for creating tags in Git.
  • ${tag_name}: This is a placeholder for the actual name you want to give to the tag. You would replace ${tag_name} with a meaningful name of your choice, such as a version number or a descriptive name for the tag.

When you run this command, Git creates a new lightweight tag, which is simply a reference to a specific commit in your Git history. By default, tags in Git are not moved when new commits are made. They remain fixed on the commit they were created on.

Tags serve as convenient pointers to specific points in your Git history, making it easier to reference and retrieve specific commits later. You can list existing tags using the git tag command without any arguments, and you can also view information about a specific tag using git show ${tag_name}.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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