The command "git undo ${3}" is not a valid Git command. It seems to be a custom command or a placeholder used in a specific context.
In general, Git does not have a built-in "undo" command that directly reverses changes. However, there are several ways to undo or revert changes in Git depending on the situation:
Revert commit: Use "git revert" to create a new commit that undoes the changes made in a specific commit. For example, "git revert
". -
Reset branch: Use "git reset" to move the branch pointer to a previous commit, effectively undoing commits. It has options like "--soft" (preserves changed files), "--mixed" (changes are unstaged), and "--hard" (discards all changes). For example, "git reset --hard HEAD~3" resets the branch to 3 commits ago.
Checkout file: Use "git checkout" to discard changes in a specific file and revert it to a previous commit's version. For example, "git checkout
-- ".
It's essential to note that Git commands should be used with caution, as they can discard or permanently delete changes. It is advisable to create backups or use Git branches when experimenting with undoing changes.