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git-utimes: Change files modification time that are newer than their last commit date, preserving original modification time of files that were committed from the local repository.
$ git utimes --newer
try on your machine

The command "git utimes --newer" is not a standard Git command. It is likely a custom command or an alias set up by the user or their Git configuration.

Without additional context or information, it is difficult to provide a specific explanation for this command. However, "utimes" is a UNIX system call used to modify the access and modification times of a file. It allows changing the metadata of files to indicate when they were last accessed or modified.

The "--newer" option is typically used with the "utimes" command to specify a reference file. When used in combination, it allows updating the access and modification times of one or more files to match those of a specified reference file. This can be useful for various purposes, such as synchronizing timestamps across multiple files or restoring timestamps after performing certain operations.

Since this command is not a standard Git command, it is advisable to refer to the documentation or seek clarification from the person who defined the command to understand its specific behavior and purpose in the given context.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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