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git-verify-commit: Check commits for a GPG signature and print the raw details.
$ git verify-commit ${commit_hash1 optional_commit_hash2 ---} --raw
try on your machine

The command "git verify-commit" is used to check the integrity and authenticity of a commit in a Git repository.

The "${commit_hash1 optional_commit_hash2 ---}" is a placeholder indicating that you need to provide one or more commit hashes as arguments to the command. You can specify multiple commit hashes separated by spaces. The "---" is used to separate the commit hashes from the "--raw" option.

The "--raw" option is used to display the raw data of the commit. It shows the commit hash, the author, the committer, the commit message, and the tree hash. This option helps you to inspect the actual contents of the commit without any formatting or additional information.

By running this command, Git will verify the validity of the specified commits and display their raw data for inspection.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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