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git-verify-tag: Check tags for a GPG signature and print the raw details.
$ git verify-tag ${tag1 optional_tag2 ---} --raw
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The command git verify-tag is used to check the cryptographic integrity and authenticity of a Git tag. It ensures that the tag has not been tampered with or modified since it was created.

In the command git verify-tag ${tag1 optional_tag2 ---} --raw, ${tag1 optional_tag2 ---} refers to the tag(s) that you want to verify. You can specify one or more tags separated by spaces. The --- is an optional delimiter that separates the tags from the rest of the command, indicating that there are no more tags after it.

The --raw flag is used to display the raw verification output, providing detailed information about the verification process. It shows the verification status, object type, object hash, and other relevant details for each tag.

By running this command, Git will verify the integrity and authenticity of the specified tag(s) and display the raw verification output.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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