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git-verify-tag: Check tags for a GPG signature.
$ git verify-tag ${tag1 optional_tag2 ---}
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The git verify-tag command is used to verify the authenticity and integrity of a tag in Git. Tags are used to label specific points in Git history, usually to mark commits that are considered significant, such as stable releases or milestones.

The command syntax git verify-tag ${tag1 optional_tag2 ---} means that you can pass one or more tag names as arguments to the command. The ${tag1 optional_tag2 ---} part signifies that you can provide as many tag names as you want, separating them with spaces. The --- is used to indicate the end of the options and the beginning of tag names.

For example, if you have two tags named "v1.0" and "v2.0", you can verify them using the following command:

git verify-tag v1.0 v2.0

The command will check the cryptographic signature of each tag and ensure that the associated commit object has not been tampered with. It verifies that the tag has been signed with a valid GPG key and that the object it points to matches the expected commit.

Successful verification of a tag assures you that the commit associated with the tag has not been modified since its creation. It provides confidence that the tag represents the correct version or milestone in your Git repository.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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