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git: Execute a Git subcommand with a given configuration set.
$ git -c '${config-key}=${value}' ${subcommand}
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The command git -c '${config-key}=${value}' ${subcommand} is used to execute a Git command while setting a specific configuration option temporarily.

Here's a breakdown of the different parts:

  • git: The main command used to interact with Git repositories.
  • -c '${config-key}=${value}': This argument sets a specific configuration option temporarily. The ${config-key} placeholder needs to be replaced with the actual configuration key you want to set, and ${value} should be replaced with the desired value for that key. The configuration option set with this argument will only be valid during the current execution of the git command.
  • ${subcommand}: This is the actual Git subcommand you want to execute. Subcommands are actions or operations you perform on a Git repository, such as commit, push, pull, etc.

By using the -c option, you can override or modify the Git configuration temporarily for a single command without permanently changing the repository's configuration. This is useful if you want to test or experiment with different configurations without affecting the overall repository settings.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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