The command "git --help" is used to display the help manual or the documentation for the Git version control system. By running this command, you can get information about various Git commands and their usage.
When you enter "git --help" in the command line, it will show a brief description of Git along with a list of commonly used Git commands and their descriptions. You can also find information about different options, flags, and arguments that can be used with each command.
This command is often used by Git users, especially beginners, to get assistance and to understand the purpose and usage of different Git commands. The help manual provides a quick reference guide and can be accessed anytime to look up information about specific commands or their options.
Additionally, the "git --help" command can also be used in combination with a specific Git command to get detailed help about that particular command. For example, running "git add --help" will display the documentation specific to the "git add" command.
Overall, "git --help" is a useful command to quickly access the comprehensive Git documentation and get help when needed.