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Rebase master into feature branch
$ git checkout
$ git checkout master
$ git pull origin master
$ git checkout -
$ git pull origin master --rebase
try on your machine

The git checkout command is primarily used to switch between different branches in Git. It can also be used to restore files from previous commits or unstage changes.

  1. git checkout master: This command switches the current branch to "master". You can replace "master" with the name of any existing branch you want to switch to.

  2. git pull origin master: This command pulls the latest changes from the remote repository's "master" branch and merges them into the currently checked out branch. It is used to update your local branch with the latest changes from the remote repository.

  3. git checkout -: This command switches back to the previous branch that was checked out before the current branch. It is a shorthand for switching between branches.

  4. git pull origin master --rebase: This command pulls the latest changes from the remote repository's "master" branch and rebases the current branch on top of it. Rebasing is used to incorporate the latest changes from the remote branch while maintaining a linear commit history.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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