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gitk: Show repository browser for a specific file or directory.
$ gitk ${filename_or_directory}
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The command "gitk ${filename_or_directory}" is used to open the Git repository browser, Gitk, for tracking changes and history of a specific file or directory.

Here's how the command works:

  • "gitk" is the command to open Gitk, which is a GUI tool for viewing Git history.
  • "${filename_or_directory}" is a placeholder that should be replaced with the actual file or directory name you want to track in Gitk. This can be a specific file or a directory containing multiple files.

By specifying a file or a directory as an argument to "gitk", the tool will open with the history of that file or directory, showing all the commits, branches, and changes made to it over time. It allows you to visually browse and analyze the Git history in an interactive way.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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