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gitlab-ctl: Display the status of every service.
$ sudo gitlab-ctl status
try on your machine

The command "sudo gitlab-ctl status" is used to check the status of GitLab services on a Linux system.

Here's a breakdown of each part:

  • "sudo": This is a command that allows the user to execute a command with administrative privileges. It is often used when the user requires root or superuser access.

  • "gitlab-ctl": This is a command-line utility that is part of GitLab, a web-based Git repository manager. It provides various control and management options for GitLab services.

  • "status": This is a specific command that can be passed to gitlab-ctl. When executed, it checks the current status of GitLab services and displays whether they are running or not.

Putting it all together, "sudo gitlab-ctl status" is used to check the status of GitLab services on a Linux system with administrative privileges, displaying whether the services are running or not.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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