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gitmoji: List all available emojis and their descriptions.
$ gitmoji --list
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The gitmoji --list command is used to display a list of all available gitmojis.

Gitmojis is an emoji-based convention for commit messages in Git repositories. Each gitmoji represents a specific type of change or action made in a commit. The purpose of using gitmojis is to make commit messages more expressive, visually appealing, and consistent across the team.

When you run the gitmoji --list command, it will output a table with the available gitmojis and their corresponding meaning. The list shows each gitmoji's code, which is a unique identifier associated with it, as well as its emoji representation and a description of its purpose.

For example, the output of the command might look something like this:

Code  Emoji               Description
:art: 🎨                  Improve structure/format of the code
:zap: ⚡️                 Improve performance
:bug: 🐛                  Fix a bug
:fire: 🔥                 Remove code or files
:tada: 🎉                Initial commit

This way, developers can easily choose the appropriate gitmoji to use in their commit messages, providing additional context about the nature of the changes made in the commit.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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