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glances: Run in server mode to allow connections from other Glances clients.
$ glances -s
try on your machine

The command "glances -s" is used to run the Glances system monitoring tool with a specific sorting option.

Glances is a popular open-source command-line based system monitoring tool that provides real-time information about various aspects of a system's performance, including CPU usage, memory usage, network activity, disk space, and more.

The "-s" option in the command is used to specify the sorting order for the displayed information. By default, Glances displays data sorted by CPU usage. However, using the "-s" option allows you to choose a different sorting parameter. For example, you can sort by memory usage, disk I/O, network I/O, or any other available metric.

To use the command, simply open a terminal or command prompt and enter "glances -s" followed by the desired sorting parameter. For example, "glances -s mem" will display the information sorted by memory usage. You can refer to the Glances documentation or help section to find out all available sorting options.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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