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gmssl: Generate an SM2 public key from an existing private key.
$ gmssl sm2 -pubout -in ${filename-pem} -out ${filename-pem-pub}
try on your machine

This command is using the gmssl tool to perform an operation called sm2. It is used to generate a public key from an input file specified by the ${filename-pem} variable. The resulting public key will be saved to a file specified by the ${filename-pem-pub} variable.

Here is a breakdown of the command:

  • gmssl: This is the command-line tool being used.
  • sm2: This is the specific operation or algorithm being executed.
  • -pubout: This flag indicates that the operation should output the public key.
  • -in ${filename-pem}: This specifies the input file from which to generate the public key. The ${filename-pem} is likely a placeholder for the actual filename.
  • -out ${filename-pem-pub}: This specifies the output file where the generated public key will be saved. Again, ${filename-pem-pub} is likely a placeholder for the actual output filename.

In summary, this command takes a PEM (Privacy Enhanced Mail) file as input, generates the corresponding public key using the SM2 algorithm, and saves the public key to a separate PEM file.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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