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gnmic-get: Query the device state and specify response encoding (json_ietf).
$ gnmic -a ${ip:port} get --path ${path} --encoding json_ietf
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The command gnmic is a CLI (Command Line Interface) tool used to interact with network devices using the gNMI (gRPC Network Management Interface) protocol. The specific command you provided is used to retrieve data from a network device.

Here's a breakdown of the command and its options:

  • gnmic: This is the command itself, invoking the gnmic tool.
  • -a ${ip:port}: This option specifies the address of the network device you want to connect to. It uses the format ${ip:port}, where ${ip} is the IP address and ${port} is the port number. You need to replace ${ip:port} with the actual IP address and port of the device you want to connect to.
  • get: This specifies that you want to perform a "get" operation, which retrieves data from the network device.
  • --path ${path}: This option specifies the data path or the specific data you want to retrieve from the device. It uses the format ${path}, where ${path} is the path to the desired data. You need to replace ${path} with the actual path of the data you want to retrieve.
  • --encoding json_ietf: This option specifies the encoding format of the retrieved data. In this case, json_ietf indicates that the data should be returned in JSON format following the IETF standard.

Overall, the command is used to connect to a network device, retrieve specific data from it using the gNMI protocol, and receive the data in JSON format.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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